Sato Co-Chairs National Task Force

Tami Sato

Tami Sato

Tami Sato, Senior Director for Enrollment Management and Financial Aid at Marshall B. Ketchum University, recently served as Co-Chair of the Servicing Issues Task Force, which was convened by the National Direct Student Loan Coalition and the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA). She was selected by NASFAA to represent its more than 20,000 members in the Co-Chair role.

After surveying more than 2,200 financial aid administrators from more than 1,500 higher education institutions, the task force issued its final report earlier this year. The report examined the state of the relationship between borrowers and student loan servicers, identified sources of confusion, misunderstanding and, potentially, missed payments or default and made recommendations to the Department of Education and other relevant agencies for improving federal loan servicing.