Direct Costs Awarded for Research at Optometry Schools and Colleges Exceed $32 Million


ASCO’s 2015-16 Research Survey Report shows that the amount of direct costs awarded from July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 for research at ASCO member institutions totaled approximately $32.7 million, with about $23.5 million coming from the National Eye Institute and $4.3 million from industry. $14.4 million in direct costs was awarded for research in basic science, followed by $8.1 million for research in clinical science and $7.4 million for research in translational science. (One school not reporting.)

In 2016, ASCO’s Academic Research Committee rewrote the 2015-2016 Research Survey in order to simplify the data collection process as well as improve the clarity and utility of the resulting report. The complete report was distributed to the ASCO Board of Directors in February and includes a list of direct costs awarded to each school and information about faculty and facilities devoted to research.